Social program

Monday 9.9.24

"Flammkuchen"-Event with guided tours through the server rooms of SCC on the campus.

Helmut's Tarte Flambée has been a lovely tradition at SCC for a few years now. Helmut is a former staff member and runs a small event agency with Tarte Flambée ovens.

With draft beer and chilled drinks, we want to have a nice evening with you!

Tuesday 10.9.24

Schlosslichtspiele - Light Festival Karlsruhe

The SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe will enter its 10th edition. The baroque palace façade will once again serve as a projection surface for sensational media art, which has attracted more than two million visitors to the UNESCO City of Media Arts in recent years.

For further information see: Schlosslichtspiele Karlsruhe

Wednesday 11.9.24

Conference Dinner and guided tour in the ZKM Karlsruhe

The ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe is a unique cultural institution worldwide, because it is a place that expands the original tasks of the museum.

It is a house of all media and genres, a house of both spatial arts such as painting, photography and sculpture and time-based arts such as film, video, media art, music, dance, theater and performance. ZKM was founded in 1989 with the mission of continuing the classical arts into the digital age. During the founding phase, the artist and author Jürgen Claus contributed his idea of an »electronic Bauhaus«, which was later adapted by Peter Weibel into the »digital Bauhaus«.

After a guided tour through the ZKM, we will have dinner in the rooms of the ZKM.

For further information see ZKM